What is BitCoin? Future Money Comes Today

Pic from: salon.com
Have you ever heard the term of BitCoin ?

Introduced in 2009 by someone who is known by the name Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin is now starting to sound echoes , even Bitcoin increasingly loved by almost all countries . Considered as one of the use of technology that really combines the simple economic principle with a high -tech transactions system .

What is a BitCoin ?

In a simple way, BitCoin is a form of virtual currency or digital currency that can be described as a cryptografi file that can be used to transact directly in virtually. BitCoin is also often called CryptoCurrency and stored on a computer application that can be analogized as a virtual wallet .

Bitcoin is a file that can be stored in the media or on computer and can be traded directly with the method of Peer - to- Peer ( P2P ) . Similar to how the Torrent work. So , if you want to send your Bitcoin to someone else , then you can send it from your computer directly to other computer through computer network/internet by using P2P system without going through an intermediary, this kind of transactions is not as is often done by the banking system . This mechanism is similar as when we exchange money / transactions in physical form directly .

However , is it safe ?

In turn , all Bitcoin transactions will be verified by all BitCoin owner around the world via the internet . This will ensure early complaining of the bitcoin . The more users / owners of Bitcoin , the more secure and stable the Bitcoin ecosystem .

Bitcoin is not issued by a particular country - at least not until today. So, Bitcoin can not be equated with a country's currency. Bitcoin has the same value throughout the state, and can be used by anyone and anywhere. Therefore, until recently, virtual transactions using Bitcoin untouched by taxes .

For more details you can watch on below video that shows what and how Bitcoin works:

National Cat Day, An Open Letter from the Cat

There is a pretty unique thing I found today. Apparently, in this modern era is not just a big day of religion or historic day are celebrated, but the National cats also exist.

Yes, exactly this day, on October 29th, a moment that will not be forgotten by the Cats. Why, because today is National Cat Day. On this day, the owners of pet cats in particular are required to further pamper their pet cat. Hmm, it's sound cute.

Today it is the desire of the pet cats for a long time. And there is also an open letter that the cat send to their owner to comply with their demands. What are the contents of the open letter?

Via now.msn.com, the cat expressed their desire that on this day, the owners of pet cats to get home quickly, and feed the cats and give them the attention and affection that much for them.

Here's a complete transcript of the open letter:
Dear humans,

We can't help noticing that you left for work this morning without leaving a heaping pile of presents next to our food dishes. It also appears you forgot there are no dogs allowed today, and we had to lock them in the bathroom ourselves.

We know you're busy with human things, like removing all the hair we painstakingly left on your pants. (Yeah. We know you do that.) But since today is the most important day of the year, we don't think it's too much to ask you to cancel everything and come home immediately. In case you've actually forgotten that today is our day, please refer to the photo gallery above.

See you soon. We'll be in the kitchen cabinet chewing through the side of the Doritos bag, since you also forgot to leave special treats on the counter.

The cats

Hmm, sounds interesting does not it?

I think the letter is sound very cute, but of course, the letter was not written by the cat, it is by one of MSN's editor who appreciate in the spirit of the national cat day in creative way.

Of course this is not an obligation to celebrate this sort of thing. But it should be every pet owner of any kind to keep attention to his pet every day. Due to our decision to maintain the animals or whatever it is, then we are responsible for them.

So if you celebrating this day, the National Cat Day, Don't forget to feed your Kitty, okey... :p
Pic credit : sinergif.com

iWork, Free Apps to Rival Ms. Office

Hello Ladies.

For those of you ladies who often use the word processing software, probably familiar with Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. Yes, these are two applications that Microsoft sell for windows platform to fill the Office needs. But how about Apple? Now there is good news for you who use Mac computers or other Apple products.

Keep in mind ladies, that along with its development, the need for applications that are devoted to office, become greater. Microsoft itself as "The Big Player" still dominate the office software market for decades with its Microsoft Office. Then accompanied with Open Office for those who use Linux Operating System. What about Apple? Well, it did not make Apple's silence. Although Ms. Office greatness is unmatched, but there is something that Apple tried to offer, especially to owners of Apple products.

Conveyed on the sidelines of an event in San Francisco, Apple apparently will soon launch an office-oriented applications called "iWork".

iWork is a suite of applications which is devoted to office activities such as Word Processing, Spreadsheets and more. Very similar to what is already offered through the Microsoft Office 2013 and Open Office. But the privilege in iWork is a "Free Apps". 
iWork is Six newly redesigned apps for your photos, movies, music, documents, spreadsheets, and more. Better than ever, and free with every Mac and iOS device. Quoted from Apple.

Yes, Apple plans to release iWork for free to all Apple users and for users who use the latest Apple products such as Mac, iPad and iPhone. And of course this will be exclusive app but still free.

iWork Spreadsheet Layout

And for your information, the iWork is also preinstalled on the latest Macintosh Operating System "Mavericks".

So Apple Ladies? you should try the iWork installed on your Apple Devices and start using it. But don't forget to write you opinion about the iWork itself on the comment form below. Want to know more? please go to this page: www.apple.com/iwork/

Hello World!

This is my first post. (^_^)